Mechanical Design
We provide professional engineering design for mechanical and plumbing systems. We work with building owners, contractors, and architects to design systems that work for the owner. Where we fit in a design team depends on the focus of the project. We serve as a subconsultant to architects on new construction and renovation projects and as the primary design consultant for mechanical system upgrades and replacements. Read more about design teams below.
Our design services are customizable to each project's needs. As a starting point for understanding how projects typically proceed, read about typical design phases below.
Design Team Structure
A design team can be structured in different ways depending on what is driving a project.

Architectural Prime
The architect serves as the primary design consultant. They hire and manage the other team members as subconsultants. This is a typical arrangement used for new construction or major remodels where the project is driven by architectural changes. The other design team members are working to support the architectural changes.
Example Projects
New Building
Tenant Remodel

Mechanical Prime
The mechanical engineer serves as the primary design consultant. An electrical engineer is typically included as a subconsultant with a structural engineer or architect added as needed. This structure works well for projects focused on mechanical systems. The architectural scope includes minor changes to shafts, walls, or soffits in support of the mechanical changes.
Example Projects
Boiler Replacement
HVAC Electrification
Convert steam heat to hot water
Typical Project Design Phases
Typical architectural and architectural-engineering projects are broken into six phases: Pre-design, Schematic Design (SD), Design Development (DD), Contract Documents (CD), Bidding, and Construction Administration (CA). The graphic below summarizes each of these phases and the mechanical engineer's tasks and deliverables.
On smaller projects these phases will be consolidated.

Typical Project Design Phases